Privacy Policy

At Alabama's Finest™, we deeply value the safety and security of our members and artists. We are committed to transparency in how we gather, store, and collect information about users, artists, and visitors on our website. If we make changes to our information-gathering practices, we will notify artists and users via email, explaining what was changed, how it was changed, and why it was changed. Below is a list of various interfaces used by our system. If you have questions about a particular interface, please direct your inquiry to our support forum or contact us using our contact form.

Information Gathering

When you create a User Account on Alabama's Finest™, we record and store information such as your email address and physical IP address. This information is used internally to secure your user account from unauthorized usage. This information is never distributed to any third parties.

Website Tracking

When a user or visitor visits our website, we collect and store information such as your physical IP address, pages visited, and other onsite activities for statistical purposes only. Statistical data is kept private and is used to generate internal statistics such as page hit counts, song play counts, download counts, and member counts. These statistics are primarily used to provide accurate results for our charting system. Again, this information is never distributed to any third parties.

Website Cookies

When interacting with the Alabama's Finest™ website, your internet browser and our server communicate via a "session cookie" mechanism. This cookie contains an anonymous identifier that is used by our website.

Information Disclosure

At no time is any account information shared with outside parties, except for law enforcement should the need arise, and only to comply with a subpoena & or valid warrant.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the Alabama's Finest™ Privacy Policy, please contact us.