Piracy Statement
Alabama's Finest™ is in full compliance with United States Copyright, Trademark, and Anti-Piracy Laws. All songs, images, and videos featured on this website are licensed to us through our website terms of service. We have a zero-tolerance policy for copyright infringement and regularly review pages on our website to ensure that every member complies with our terms of service.
Alabama's Finest™ is an independent social media community dedicated to helping independent artists sell their intellectual property through our worldwide marketplace. Each artist on our roster undergoes a review to ensure their music is their own intellectual property and compliant with U.S. Copyright laws before being featured on our website.
If you believe a merchant on our catalog is infringing on your intellectual rights, please use the contact us page to file a complaint with Alabama's Finest™ executives. Include your contact information, copyright information, the link to the offending profile, and a link to your song that's being infringed upon. Upon receiving your claim, we will launch an internal investigation to determine if the offender is at fault. If it is determined that your rights are being infringed upon, we will suspend the offending profile until the matter is legally resolved. Before taking legal action against Alabama's Finest™, please be mindful of our site's terms of service regarding our indemnification clause. All legal matters regarding copyright infringement are to be taken directly with the person(s) at fault. Alabama's Finest™ is here to assist you if needed and will turn over any and all content that is admissible in court as evidence.
Facts About Our Website
Here are some key points about who we are, what we do, and how we do it:
Songs, videos, and images uploaded to the site are the property of their respective owners.
Songs, videos, and images uploaded to the site are original compositions created by independent artists who use our service.
Independent artists using our service typically upload their material to our website for visitors to stream, download, or buy.
Files distributed on our website by independent artists are hosted locally on their profiles. No files are hosted on third-party file-sharing websites.
When a visitor initiates a download or purchase, the file is served directly to them through our system.
We do not support the sale of certain mixtapes. If an artist is selling or giving away mixtapes, they must contain their own compositions.