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When you submit your music to our stream, your song will be heard by 1000's of gamers who's currently streaming our server while they play Multi Theft Auto. Special thanks to Multi Theft Auto for streaming our server to their community for over 6 years. -
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Scannable Medical ID Bracelets
This product is the newest and easiest way to communicate a lot of medical information quickly. You can store, manage, and access medical information quickly and easily by creating a MyID online medical profile. This profile than is linked to a product which can provide the peace of mind we are all in search of. Shop Now -
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Artist Spotlight2022's Billboard Awards have come and gone, yet the pattern of hip-hop artists seizing top honors persists. Despite the ever-shifting musical landscape and the emergence of various new genres, hip-hop's stronghold remains unshaken. This enduring...Comments 1 Likes
The Couples Corner Podcast w/t Rick & Tiff
The Couples Corner Podcast
What lengths will you go to, to prove infidelity?
03/12/22 01:18:15PM
As a freelance editor, I have been receiving a slew of requests from men to clean up audio dialogue of recordings of their significant other, committing acts of infidelity. I won’t get too deep into things BUT Mrs. TrickyRicky and I will dive in the next episode. So mark your calendar and keep your ears on.
Can Old Flames Turn into some thangs!
10/16/21 08:13:28PM
Welcome back guys Mr & Mrs TrickyRicky here back with another podcast. On this episode we will be talking about old flames and can they turn into some things??? Please chime in with your messages & answer our Spotify poll regarding this topic.
Toxic Marriages & Relationships- Are they really worth the time?
07/02/21 10:23:14AM
Greetings friends and family. Mr. & Mrs. TrickyRicky here & we are back with another couples podcast. In today’s segment, we’re going to decipher the hardships of being involved in a toxic situation & together, we determine if those type situations are worth your time & energy.
Juneteenth National Holiday I Sip and Chat
06/17/21 11:19:16PM
Mr & Mrs. TrickyRicky random chat about the new national Juneteenth Holiday, over a glass of wine 🍷 🍷
What if you were finalizing your divorce tomorrow?
12/18/20 09:32:25AM
On today's segment, we would like to talk about divorces, Co Parenting and moving on. Today's question is what would you do if it were you? would you act accordingly?? #LetsGo. If you like today's Segment or if you have a piggyback or a rebuttal, please leave us a voice message and we will revisit the topic on a late date. Thanks for listining!!!!
Tech TalkTime… It's a resource we can never reclaim. Each second lost is gone forever, making time one of the most valuable assets we have. As a seasoned recording, mix, and master engineer with 24 years of experience, I understand the immense value of...Comments 1 Likes