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La rsolution 181 (II) de l'Assemble gnrale, en date du 29 novembre 1947, concernant le plan de partage, envisageait la cration d'un secteur de Jrusalem dmilitaris constituant une entit distincte sous l'gide du Conseil de tutelle des Nations Unies, qui devait laborer un statut pour Jrusalem et dsigner un gouverneur. Une assemble devait tre lue au suffrage universel par la population adulte, et ce statut devait rester en vigueur 10 ans, puis tre dment examin par le Conseil de tutelle, la participation des citoyens tant assure par une consultation par rfrendum.
It was very I mean, I came home and I was balling my eyes out. (Privacy Policy)MavenThis supports the Maven widget and search functionality. The title track mourns the loss of friends like Merle Haggard and Ray Price, but to a boogie woogie soundtrack. (Offsite URL Removed)
Bu A Spray of Plum Blossoms (1931), adapted from Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona, was a rare showcase of the actress comedic talent. Jinger Duggar celebrated her 21 birthday yesterday with lots of love from family members on social media. Customers can choose products ranging from milk to cottage cheese, yogurt to string cheese all organic, Golden Goose Sneakers Sale minimally processed and produced with milk from grassfed cows at local farms, said Ewer.
No ban on samesex nuptials has survived in federal court since DOMA's demise. And, as of this month,every remaining banhas been hit with a legal challenge. Supreme Court, and ultimately legalized throughout the nation. The LGBT community is vast and varies widely in their needs and struggles. I hope the nation does not think that instituting samesex marriage means those struggles are over. The gravest violences queer and trans people face are not related to marriage. They related to health care, to housing, to police brutality and profiling, toprison, to detention, to employment, to poverty, to homelessness. Stonewall was a riot initiated by transgender people and poor folks in response to police brutality, not a marriage ceremony or pride parade. This is a legacy we have a responsibility to. Some folks told me 'congratulations' or 'great news' on the day the ruling happened. I don want congratulations. I want us to refocus our energy and attention to the most severe issues this community faces.
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