Friends and family, greetings. TrickyRicky here back with another update. In this video I will be sharing more information about how I’ve been doing. For the first time (last week), I have been pain free for 90% of the time. I’ve been sleeping well and my joint pain scale is low. Spring is in the air. I’ve had the chance to mow my lawn on my riding mower, in addition to my previous spring cleaning binge. Also, I will share very valuable information for those considering an SCS implant. You might want to watch it until the end. If you like this video feel free to give it a thumbs up 👍🏽
If you’re new to the channel, consider subscribing so you’ll know when i post another update.
Also: check out my “Spinal Cord Stimulator Patient” playlist as it has all of my videos, from the time of my trial, to my permanent and to this point; moving forward.
#spinalcordstimulator #update #myscsstory